Minimal Email Receiving

May 1, 2018

How we receive email for our domain using email forwarding on Amazon SES, with minimum effort. Our web-app sends emails no problem, but we also want to receive emails into the same accounts. For example our web-app sends an automatic email from, but if it receives an email sent to, we want to handle that too. The simplest way is to implement email forwarding. (The hard way would be to build an email client inside our web-app, then decide how and when to notify whoever needs to handle it). ... Read more

Sending Emails

January 7, 2018

When action mailer fails to deliver to Hotmail/Outlook email accounts… A short note on sending mail from a Rails application ( action_mailer ) to a Microsoft Hotmail account, but the email never arrives in Hotmail/Outlook. After investigation, it looks like Hotmail probably only likes one email address per origin / server IP address. If you send an email from the same server but change the email address, then hotmail will silently block it. ... Read more

Rails 4.2.1 upgrade ( SMTP email sending fail)

March 27, 2015

Soon after we updated to Rails 4.2.1 from 4.2.0 deployed - the site stopped respondingand we saw this error in the passenger log: phusion_passenger/preloader_shared_helpers.rb:69:in `fork': Cannot allocate memory - fork That was also the last time emails were successfully sent from Elastic Beanstalk. Now SMPT emails are silently failingwith no clues in the logs. We were unsure if the memory issue was with this AWS instance or this update. Later decided it was the instance. ... Read more

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